The mixed critical reception Saints Row received at launch hasn't stopped it from becoming the best-selling PS5 game in Europe and the second best-selling in the USA for the month of August 2022. Volition's open world reboot was only beaten to first place in North America by Madden NFL 23, while it beat out competition from Grand Theft Auto V and Cult of the Lamb in both territories.
The latest indie hit took fourth position in the USA and third in Europe, while Stray remains popular in fifth for both regions. The rest of the top 10 is made up of PS5 titles like Horizon Forbidden West, F1 Manager 2022, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and Cyberpunk 2077. You can view the entire top 20 through the link.

Saints Row's sales success doesn't carry over to the PS4 chart, though, where sports titles rule the roost. Madden NFL 23 topped the list in the USA, and FIFA 22 did the same across Europe. Minecraft then took second in both territories, and Grand Theft Auto V did the same in third.
It's also more good news for MultiVersus; the free-to-play hit was the most downloaded free game for the second month in a row. It beat out competition from Rumbleverse, Fall Guys, and Fortnite. Did you contribute to any of these download charts with your own purchases? Let us know in the comments below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 36
Of course it did well. A new release of a liked franchise. It's just they messed it up, and if another comes out, people will be cautious.
You go Stray!
Getting my physical copy also at the end of the month
I mean nothing really big came out last month
maybe they didnt agree with the critics
or maybe people will play any old rubbish nowadays
It's been so slow even I was tempted to buy this or TLOU part 1. Thankfully, I waited and got Steelrising instead. Good game.
People really wanna see this game fail, huh? Weird. I think the game's fine. Characters are weak but the gameplay is still fun. As a longtime Saints Row fan I'm pretty stoked with it
did you also buy JoJo ASB:R? if so, how is that going for you?
I didn't expect it to chart in the top 10 but I'm curious how Soul Hackers 2 did outside Japan. I hope it did at least somewhat okay!
£59.99 for a shoddy remake? Where's the outrage? 🤔😊
@Korgon It shows up on that list on the 18th spot in the Usa and is not in the top 20 in Europe. Even though it was only out for about a week i dont think it did that well.
All the game snobs in here.
Don't want to be THAT guy but I miss the days when Saints Row felt like a genuine GTA competitor, just slightly more wacky and zany but still grounded in some sense of reality, but since Saints Row the Third, the series has strayed further and further from the series roots.
I still bought the new Saints Row day one, I do want to experience it for myself, but having seen a lot of the game's flaws & issues first-hand at a mate's place, Saints Row may have to settle into the backlog for a while, until I finish Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed, Tinykin, A Hat in Time, Kao the Kangaroo, Steelrising, Pac-Man World RE-PAC and quite a few other games. .
Ah I see I figured it had an uphill battle ahead of it. Appreciate the info.
@straw-hat-crew I have not bought that yet. I'm trying to talk some of friends into getting it as well, before I dive in.
Personally enjoyed the game. Also had great fun playing with co op.
I mean there really werent any releases around it which was timed well. Bring on September time of the JRPGS with Diofield, Legend of Heroes, and Valkyrie Elysium. And the Last of Us already out and about
I thought it was great. Good set up for a sequel (or at the very least some kind of story expansion/DLC). Hopefully these sales will mean it gets one.
It’s quite funny too. There was one side mission where you have to accompany an old lady (who used to work the streets) on a hit job and the dialogue made me lol.
The biggest annoyance is the bloody co-op trophy. I really don’t want to sign up to PS+ for a trophy that takes a minute or so to unlock. It’s the only thing keeping me from getting the platinum 😫
I genuinely wonder how many commenting actually played saints row. I am not sure why it was so review bombed by professional reviewers, perhaps.... Rockstar? and their corporate overlords had something to do with it.
It is nowhere near as bad on all fronts critiqued as what many reviews suggest. I bought it for my partner who loved the old ones, and she loves this game. I have tried it a few times and had a blast playing after tuning aiming and turning up the difficulty with customizations.
The thing I was shocked by and began to realize the reviews for this game were questionable came when I played the game and noticed massive amounts of facts completely counter to what the website reviews stated....
I am extremely critical, and I still feel like this game is far better than what was stated, and instead I bet corporate influence and the pre-release (and post release review bombing, based on racist, anti- "woke" rhetoric) fan backlash for the game not reverting to disgusting trends not acceptable in our current time is why this game was slandered at launch. It became another victim of band wagon online herd mentality.
Glad to see it still sold, because it's clear a ton of work went into building the world alone.
@BritneyfR_ee get a 14 day ps plus free trial by creating a new user and going to the store and searching for 'trial'
Probably cuz people say it's like gta and buy it.
Heck. I liked it. It felt like a generic open-world game... Which is fun and not a bad thing. People crave open world titles and this is a pretty fine one. It's not trying to beat GTA and very much does it's own thing. Honestly, surprised how much I liked it and is far and away my favourite SR in the series to date.
Not claiming it is original, that the storytelling is amazing or even that it looks great. It's just a fun time and most players will always care more about no frills fun than whatever metric 'true gamers' gauge something by.
If you like Saints Row then it's as close as you're going to get for many, many years... if you don't like Saints Row it's not going to convert you.
At best it's Saints Row Lite.
Good on them. Saints Row was really the most fun game I've played this year so really hoping this means we get a sequel that hopefully is closer to 3 and 4.
Due to the extreme lack of quality games out people will buy anything. Kind of like if you were dying of thirst in the desert and someone offered you a drink of the water they’d squeezed out of their underwear you’d take it. You’d make the same face when you drank it as when you’d played Saints row though, I’m jus sayin
With competition like that and it only being the first month isn't saying much at all.
It's crazy but all you will ever do is shoot and drive. No matter what the mission is that will be what you do.
@LazyLombax pretty sure this is from Deep Silver from the Embracer group, not ubisoft
@MrSensical Yeah cause the writing sucked, gameplay is terrible and repetitively boring(Gotta love turret sections), world is dead, and characters suck. Of course people will want to see this fail when the developers were being complete a-holes and saying "This is a reboot that has never been done before" when it is the exact opposite.
@KundaliniRising333 you’re in the minority . it’s genuinely a bad game .
Bought day 1, 50 Quid. Was I expecting much, no not at all, was the game buggy in places yes of course, isn't every new game these days. Did I have fun, yes loads, was it worth playing, yup some of the challenges were a bit tedious but didn't take too long to complete. I traded after I got the platinum for 32 quid cash at Cex. so not really a loss. 12 quid for 2 weeks game time so not too bad.
@KundaliniRising333 I did play it top to bottom. And it's not that good. The characters are blander than bland. Gat out of Hell is a better game. What I'm noticing is that it makes fun of the woke crowd and they can't handle it. Saints Row is a another fun idea sanitized by the weak and the woke.
@AstraeaV Nonsense.
what exactly characterizes your version of those that are woke or week. Is this some republican based nonsense or do you actually have your own thoughts not regurgitated through some fictional news source from a talking head working for the very system and powers you think your ideals are against
The larping, the tweeting of the church and being attacked soon after are enough for me. Your rant is funny though. Back to Saints Row 4, a real Saints Row game.
@trev666 Maybe. But allot of people don't read reviews, especially if they are big enough fans of a franchise. They'll play it no matter what.
Surprising to see since everyone I know hates it.
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